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Join the Portal Network by clicking the 'JTECH Portal Network' button (on the top right of the page). There is now a Discord Server with a text channel and a voice channel for Portal Network Users!
Download Games on itch.io.
Vacuum Trickshots 1, RacingOn 1 and Pumpkin will be ported to itch.io soon.
About me
Hello, I am a hobbyist Indie Game Developer who uses Unreal Engine 4 and Unity3d to make Video Games! I am hoping my hobby will turn into a successful indie game studio sometime in the future. Show your support by following my Twitter and Instagram Profiles, Subscribing to me on YouTube and Joining the Portal Network! you enjoy my Games! :-)
Archived News Articles
16th News Article 20/01/2019 (01/20/2019)
Hello! It once again has been a while! I have some news about how I'll be presenting the news and a few other things! From the next news article onward, the news will be in my YouTube videos! I also have some exciting news about new projects. I am making 2 sequels, updates and some new projects (in both unity and Unreal Engine 4)! FlyBot War: Explosive is one of the sequels and will be an Unreal Engine 4 PC and (eventually) mobile game. The game will feature 4 new types of enemy, a new world and 3 explosive weapons (Grenade launcher / Rocket Launcher, Armoured Vehicle and Timed Mines)! RacingOn will get a spin-off which is focussed on doing off-road and stunt races! Vacuum Trickshots 1.1, RacingOn 0.6 and a patch to Flybot War all are coming too! Also there are the other games will be a secret until a later date when they have more content!
15th News Article 31/10/2018 (10/31/2018)
Hello! It has been quite a while, but I have some awesome news! I have released a new game called 'Pumpkin'. It is a Survival-Suspense game (like a horror game just without gore and other mature-level content). It is quite polished and will receive updates adding more things to do while being chased by the relentless Pumpkineze, one of these things will be collect 10 mini jack-o lanterns to unlock a secret area and collect 20 to unlock another secret area! You can download this game right now! 3 other things, I have started using Unreal Engine 4 for game development as well as Unity, I am looking into creating my own game engine and I am going to start a JTECH Game Studios News series that is inspired by Nintendo's 'Nintendo Direct' presentations! Okay, that's all for this news article! See you all soon! :-)
14th News Article 20/8/2018 (8/20/2018)
Hello! The Portal Network is out now! Sign-up / Log-in to access it! Try out the 3 free exclusive games on there as well! There is a forum page for users too and you can post pictures and videos on your profile if you want to do content creation on the Portal Network! I am on there too, but don't be afraid to follow me on there - my username is 'jtechgamestudios' in case you were wondering :D. All you need to do to sign-up is put in your e-mail address you want to use and put in your desired password. Alternatively, you can sign in with Google or Facebook! Hop in and enjoy! :-)
13th News Article 21/7/2018 (7/21/2018)
Hello! I have uploaded quite a few YouTube Videos since the last news article. The reason to why I haven't updated the website is because Wix seemed to be having technical difficulties on their side of things, this caused the Wix dashboard and editor to not allow me on. Thankfully, this problem has been fixed! The JTECH Portal Network has been having a few great moments in development but the chat system is creating a few issues - Mainly because all of the chat systems I was creating didn't work properly. This shouldn't be a huge problem because what I am going to do is release the Portal Network in phases: Phase 1 will have 3 launch games, a public chat system (will require social media to use), News flashes and a few small web-based games (because why not :D).
Phases 2 and 3 will be planned and developed straight after Phase 1 has been released! Cheers and happy summer!
12th News Article 12/5/2018 (5/12/2018)
Hello! I've just uploaded the teaser for the JTECH Portal Network on my YouTube channel about 45 mins ago. Check it out for the list of features and info about launch (including targeted release month) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-ztlU8Tdig
Also new logo if you haven't noticed at the top of the homepage!
Follow my 2 Instagram profiles (@jtechgamestudios & @jtechgamestudios2) and subscribe and click the notification bell on my YouTube channel (Link near the top of the homepage)!
11th News article 22/4/2018 (4/22/2018)
So I've just uploaded 2 YouTube videos within 7 days of the upload dates of those 2 videos (one video is about MachX Racing and the second is about an older project, Island Survivor)! I might go for a weekly upload routine or every 2 weeks I upload a video! Check out the official JTECH Game Studios YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTEUQUDlsm7wFI8qx_N0dSw
Visit the blog page for the direct links to the 2 videos! Another thing is that I've had people say that they can't download Vacuum Trickshots, I have fixed this now so you should all be able to enjoy Vacuum Trickshots and its great local multiplayer (Online multiplayer matchmaking is coming in Vacuum Trickshots 1.1)! Also some cool news about Vacuum Trickshots and RacingOn, I've heard from a few friends that a few people from the PC game modding community have created mods for Vacuum Trickshots and RacingOn!! This is absolutely fantastic news if they are right. As all of my games are made in the Unity engine, they are easy to mod! I might create a video about creating mods for my games, I will start with simple texture mods and hopefully will inspire my fans and modders to create their own mods for my games!
10th News article 16/2/2018 (2/16/2018)
Hello! Hopefully you all had a great January and Christmas! As some of you may know, Vacuum Trickshots 1.0 was released on the 1st of January and I have had a lot of amazing feedback from people both in-person and on Instagram (@jtechgamestudios) and on YouTube (JTECH Game Studios)! The update introduced: Much better graphics, music, multiplayer (Local and Online), a city map to mess around in with friends and I fixed a few bugs, such as glitchy movement! Also some of you may know that I have started work on a game with 2 friends, the game is called MachX Racing! Check out the blog page for more info and screenshots!
9th News article 7/11/2017 (11/7/2017)
Hello! I have created the JTECH Game Studios YouTube channel now! Subscribe if you want :-) link to channel is at the top of the home page! I am still working on the Portal Network but I am putting more time into the development of Vacuum Trickshots 1.0 so it will take a little longer but don't worry because I have some exciting ideas for features coming to the JTECH Portal Network like an online game distribution service, exclusive games and eventually DLC discount codes and sales! Lots to do so news will come soonish but if you want to catch up with news quickly, follow me on Instagram @jtechgamestudios and subscribe and hit the notification bell on the JTECH Game Studios YouTube channel which is top result if you search for anything to do with JTECH Game Studios! See you all soon!
8th News article 22/9/2017 (9/22/2017)
Hello! I am going to start up the JTECH Game Studios YouTube channel after I have an introduction video finished.
Vacuum Trickshots 1.0 will be out in late autumn (fall). Not too much although the first RockpoolRPG demo is almost ready, and RacingOn's new off-road tracks are being worked on! More news on the way.
7th News article 17/7/2017 (7/17/2017)
Hello! My Instagram is doing really well. I have now only got to add a few things into the latest tack for RacingOn. Floppy Man is going to be a Portal Network Exclusive Game. Vacuum Trickshots has had an issue with the enemies not being visible and the litter balls not being visible and 0.4 is coming out in about two weeks so I will fix that but it may mean the game's folder will take up a bit more storage and the Tanks X Pi Tech Demo (Raspberry Pi) and multiplayer game needs more testing. So a lot for me to do over the six weeks. Sign up to the JTECH Portal Network and follow me on Instagram to catch up on more news! Have a great summer everyone!
6th News article 4/6/2017 (6/4/2017)
Hello! Lots to cover so lets get to it. We have hit 1606 views! Now we are going to start showing up on Google searches and Bing searches now! Vacuum Trickshots 0.3 is almost here, it will add loads of giant litter ball enemies that can move quickly if collided with another one, 0.3 will also add shooting small litter balls that you can kick (Push) around and has fixed the glitchy movement. 3 new tracks are coming to RacingOn soon after Vacuum Trickshots 0.3 is released. I am working on a funny ragdoll game called Floppy Man, it is hilarious and I've just started it! I have an official Instagram account, just search 'jtechgamestudios' and look for my logo, follow us to catch up on news quickly and to find out more about development on games, ask me questions (related to my games and development) and I'll answer them as soon as possible.
Rockpool RPG news coming!!
5th News article 5/4/2017 (4/5/2017)
My New PC Game RacingOn (BETA) is now up for download!! Race The Enemy AI Car in 4 Tracks. Hopefully you do all enjoy it. In the near future, I would like to add: Network Multiplayer, Power Ups (currently working on), More Tracks and A lap counter. Vacuum Trickshots is going to be updated sometime soon! Thanks for the great support too because at this moment in time the views are at 1550, the website reached 1500 a few weeks ago and now it is almost at 1600!! See you all soon. :-)
4th News article 23/3/2017 (3/23/2017)
Vacuum Trickshots PC Beta version 0.2 has been released adding: New Controls, An Advanced Camera, Litter To Clean Up and Slightly Better Framerate. I am working on 5 more games mostly and an exclusive game for the JTECH Portal Network users only. More news Soon! :-)
3rd News article 6/3/2017(3/6/2017)
Vacuum Trickshots PC Beta has been released for Windows PCs! Download it from the OneDrive page by clicking on the download button in the computer screen at the top of the home page, extract the zip file and place the file in the desired location. place the shortcut version on your desktop to access the game from your desktop easily. Visit and comment on the "Epic News!!" blog post to give feedback. :-)
2nd News article 14/2/2017(2/14/2017)
It has been a while hasn't it?! But I have been working on 7 other games all at once! I'll list the names and genres of the 7 other games I am working on:
1) RacingON (Racing)
2) Open (Open World & Exploration)
3) Robotics : The First Attack! (3D Platformer)
4) Robots V Extra Terrestrials (Mobile 2D Platformer)
5) Flare Wars (First Person Shooter)
6) CITYFOLK (Open World & Adventure)
7) Project Sandy (Sandbox)
I have also got some screenshots of Vacuum Trickshots (Hoover Trickshots). Take a look, They're bellow the 1st news article! :-)
1st News article 3/12/2016 (12/3/2016)
Hoover Trickshots PC Beta version 0.1 for Windows PCs is near! For screenshots (Soon) and info about the game, go to the top of the home page. In future updates (after the game comes out) bugs and glitches will be fixed. Future updates will have more features and bugs and glitches will be fixed. The changelogs will be in the blog post after the update has been released. :-) #SOON ;-)